Maria Murphy, Chief Executive Officer
Per Ohlin, Chief Technical Officer
Lars Eriksson, Chief Innovation Officer

Everything started back in 2021 when Lars Eriksson, Professor in Vehiclar Systems at Linköpings University, identified a need in the battery industry to improve battery testing and analytics for battery research and innovation and especially in production contexts. 

Lars also concluded that EIS is the most advanced and interesting method for evaluating batteries and their chemistry. However, EIS, up until then, had been associated with one major drawback: that it was notoriously time consuming. A full scan of multiple frequencies could take hours if not days, depending on the information required.

Once the problem was identified, Lars set about finding a way to shorten EIS measurement times while preserving and improving data quality, resolution, reliability, repeatability etc. In truth, Lars exceeded beyond all expectations. With his discovery of R3 EIS and Per Ohlins further development we have developed EIS Scanners that can accurately measure hundreds or thousands of frequencies in under a few minutes.

In order to take Lars’ invention to market the Batixt company was started in early 2023, together with Per Ohlin and Maria Murphy. Per, with his advanced knowledge in development and implementation of measurement instruments in industrial contexts and Maria with her background in business development and management, together with Lars who has a deep understanding of both batteries and EIS make up the skilled team required to bring this advanced technology to market.